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Showing posts from June, 2017

Creativity and New Media

I made a video highlight tape of some of my blocks from my volleyball season and posted it to Instagram. My Instagram is private so I took a video of it to post here. I had to crop some of the comments because they were inappropriate. I combined my passion for volleyball and video editing when i created this. In addition i added one of my favorite songs to play in the background. I don't have many Instagram followers but this post gave me the most views and favorites that I've ever had. (UPDATE: the video I initially tried to post isn't buffering so I attached some screen shots)


New media encourages the 5 c's: communication, collaboration, community, creativity, and convergence. One of the most important distinctions between new and old media is the amount of creativity that new media permits. According to an article from the New York Times, many companies use new media as a tool to create new features. This is because new media offers many consumer insights that these companies may not already have. These corporations understand the importance of user generated innovation. It is inline with the cliche "the customer is always right". A company that has learned a lot from its users is Twitter. Two of its most popular features, the @ and the # weren't initially involved with the platform. However after taking insights that consumers created through the service, Twitter was able to add their most iconic features differentiating themselves from other social media services. New media encourages creativity and is creativity driven.

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds break down the barriers that society makes in order to further collaboration and creation between individuals. You can be on the opposite hemisphere as someone but interact with them as if you were in the same room. According to an article from CNN many businesses are seeing the practical application of virtual worlds: the virtual meeting. This allows for multinational projects to flow more seamlessly. Instead of taking a flight around the world to meet with business partners, everyone can meet from the comfort of their own desk. A project manager from India and Guatemala could conference with a CEO in Canada without losing valuable work time to travel. Virtual worlds foster an environment for collaboration that breaks down State, and National borders. However, virtual worlds also have a negative side. According to an article from, virtual worlds can directly influence how we behave in the real world. The study the article was based on explains that when par

Social Networking Sites

4 very popular sites social media sites include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Vine (RIP). Facebook owns Instagram and Twitter owned Vine before they ended the project. Facebook and Instagram focus on sharing moments with family and friends where as twitter and vine were meant for more immediate quick communication. Facebook and Instagram focus on connecting users with each other. They don't limit the amount of text/ images you can post because they encourage endless sharing. Instagram is more photography oriented than Facebook. In order to make a post on Instagram you need to have a photo or video. From this photo/video you can then add a caption. But you can't post strictly text by itself. Facebook is less photography oriented and more connection oriented. Facebook allows you to post anything you want: video, text, photos, a link. In addition Facebook encourages more collaboration. Facebook allows you to plan events and groups that your friends can join and rsvp to. Inst

The World Wide Web: There Is No Such Thing as a Free Lunch

The sample topic provided by our professor, "Social Networking: A Purposeful Loss of Privacy" intrigued me. I wanted to dive deeper into this topic of how often times on the web we pay for "free" services with our data. With this paper i hope to further analyze how many "free" web services aren't really free. I hope to cross analyze how we pay for some of the following free sites with our personal data: Social  Media, Google, and E-Commerce sites. I will guide my paper based on the economic principle of no free lunch. Which in layman terms means that even if something is "free" their is an opportunity cost of that action. In the case of new media, often times the opportunity of the "free lunch" is our private personal data.